Wednesday, September 9, 2015

To Cleanse or Not to Cleanse?

I'm just going to say this right up front so you don't scan down to the last paragraph to find out how I feel about cleanses...I think they are the biggest scam and waste of money!!! Keep reading if you want to know why I feel this way and why it is my professional and educated opinion that you should not cleanse.

Think about it: health and fitness people make a ton of money by convincing you that you need to cleanse your system to get rid of toxins and lose weight. You need to do a cleanse so that all your internal organs, you digestive system all function optimally. They always...ALWAYS, every time...neglect to tell you that your body is already equipped with everything it needs to "cleanse" itself.

Your liver, kidneys and lungs are the primary organs that your body relies on to rid itself of toxins and harmful substances from our unnatural lifestyles (high intake of processed foods, alcohol and chemicals that we add to make things taste good). If you have a particularly unhealthy lifestyle in which you do not get much activity, you're not adequately hydrated and you're consuming "crappy" foods and beverages, then it's likely you are requiring your body's natural "detox" system to work harder than it should be.

This is not a complicated and expensive fix. It's quite easy, actually. You don't need to buy yourself the latest "cleanse" you see on Facebook to rid your body of the toxic things you've put into it. What you need to do is make some lifestyle changes. I know many people who do cleanses on a regular basis in an effort to minimize the effects of their bad habits that they remain unwilling to change.

If you're ready to start making some new habits into lifestyle changes that will help your body perform better and help your internal detoxification system function optimally, here's what you can do:

  1. Hydrate! Drink at least 64oz of water each day, more if you can. I always encourage my clients to drink at least a gallon a day. It usually takes some time to build up to this and make it a habit, but once you do, your body will require it and that makes it easy.
  2. Eliminate the processed crap! It doesn't have to be all-or-nothing, but it should be something that you only do on occasion. Your diet should be primarily made up of whole, non processed foods: lean proteins (like chicken, fish, shellfish, lean beef, egg whites), healthy fats (nuts, eggs, EVOO, coconut oil, avocado, salmon), whole grains, fruits and vegetables. 
  3. Get active...SWEAT! Sweating is our body's natural way of detoxifying itself. Giving your body the opportunity to sweat on a regular basis is critical for eliminating toxins from the system. It is good for the skin, the immune system, the heart....and on and on! 

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