Saturday, September 12, 2015

Social Media and the #FitGirl

Have you ever searched pinterest for "fit girl?" 

The images and links that come up are often demotivating, unrealistic and embarrassing (see image below). There are a ton of different types of fit girl images that I could speak on but for today's rant, I'm going to go with the one here. And I get that it's supposed to be humorous, but the fact's gone beyond funny and unfortunately is a reality for many ladies.

Fit girls and food: Cheat meals. Donuts. Pizza. Pop Tarts. Nutella. Peanut Butter. Cupcakes. 

The images depict "fit girls" as women who go crazy with crappy food. Cheat meals are fine, I'm totally in agreement with that. But the kind of obsession with food that many of the (primarily younger) ladies are posting on social media is disturbing. Why?

It is not healthy to be fixated on food. It's not healthy to be like a junkie waiting for your next donut. If you are truly eating in moderation and have a balanced diet (where you are fully fed and you are not depriving your body of nutrients) then you shouldn't be so hard up for your cheat meal.

Deprivation leads to obsession. I am very "anti diet." You should never be "on a diet." Diets are just a cycle of lose and gain. No one is going to be "on a diet" for life. Find a way of eating that allows you to be balanced and not living for your next donut. And please, if you have daughters....this is not healthy behavior to teach them. (one of the reasons I stopped competing...didn't want to show mine the cycle of deprivation...not good.)

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